Tuesday, December 23, 2008
hey! ho! tday? hmm.. went out with matin, man, cap and farisha? izzit? yah! they waited fer me at our USUAL meeting place. and we off to MRT blaahblahblah and then we POOF to pennin which we didn't manage to buy anything and to the power of MAN SETAN we POOF again to Heeren and I bought EVERLAST bag fer Rugby and Man bought school shoes. so, we walk 2 walk talk 2 talk and we end up at taka to meet FANDI bt he didn't work today thanks to Muhammad Matin Holmberg bt we still managed to buy our sch bags.. ahaha.. I took gold fer the sake of MATIN, Man took Black, Matin took Red. Acap bought his own mat2 stuff.. and then we off to orchard MRT station. otw thre, we saw these two HOT girls standing in a line for the bathroom cehy no lar! actually they asking for a FREE HUG!! ahahaha.. I was busy doing my ninja thingy and Man gets all the hug! bt OK! so, we makan2 talk2 eat2 poof2 farisha off2! we took 912 two two! going to batam tam! for 2 days 1 night night! so byebye! have fun fun! i wore head band to TOWN YEAH!! I HAVE GUTS!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
wanna learn some insults?
here are some
1. Bellend - A complete idiot
2. Bozo - A dunce, Fool
3. Burdick - An excessively lazy person
4. Butters - Ugly
5. Carpet muncher -
A lesbian6. Chuggernaut - One who
masturbates a lot
7. Fugly - Fucking Ugly
8. Shirtlifter - A Gay Male
9. Barbara - A pre-op transsexual
Foreign Insults
1. Moderneuker - Motherfucker (Dutch)
2. Mine vittu - Fuck Off (Estonian)
3. Fil de pute - Son of a Bitch (French)
4. Drecksau - Dirty pig (German)
5. Figlio di puttana - Son of a whore (Italian)
Yo Mama's Jokes
1. Yo mama's so fat I ran round her twice and get lost.
2. Yo mama's so old the candles cost more than the cake.
3. Yo mama's so stupid she needs a cue card to say "Huh"?
4. Yo mama's so smelly the government makes her wear a Biohazard warning.
5. Yo mama's so dirty that Saddam Hussein tried to import her bath water to use as chemical weapons.
so that's about all.
if you want more, just tell me..
other than that
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
wake up around 10+.
decided to accompany matin and ameer bt
in the end ameer didn't turn up.
We'll waited for him like 2 hrs bt nehmind.
so, Matin and I went to pennisular to check on his
shoes bt in the end he didn't buy cause his
budget was too low.
bounced to marina bay as usual..
then blahblahblah watch girls..
took random pics..
after that,
followed matin home to change his clothes
cause we'll playing soccer..
long time never play soccer sia.
always rugby, Rugby and more RUGBY!
then, went to coffee bean to fetch my
bro's gf.. ate 2 cakes.. both of them were
Warm Chocolate Cake and Thosand Leaves(recommended)
went home..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
new skin laa beb!!

a great and fun song
by the ting tings.
ROCK ON! The Ting Tings
The Ting Tings - Be The One
You say it's not what you do,
It's what you're thinking of
Well I think its just an excuse,
It's what you put across
'Cos I don't wanna be the one,
Only overjoyed
I don't wanna be the one,
Making all the noise
Yeah, I don't wanna be the one
So, make sure you're thinking it through,
You've let me down again
Offer me something I know you really meant
'Cos I don't wanna be the one,
Only overjoyed
I don't wanna be the one,
Making all the noise
Yeah, I don't wanna be the one, hey
What you gonna offer now?
I don't wanna be the one
Only overjoyed
I don't wanna be the one,
Making all the noise
Yeah, I don't wanna be the one, hey
What you gonna offer now?
What you gonna offer now?
This was not my idea
Don't you keep waiting
What you gonna offer now?